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My First
Female President


My First Female President is a story filled with aspirations, encouragement, and inspiration.


Take a journey with this aspiring young leader as she imagines all she can grow up to be, including the President of the United States.


The All My First Series continues to highlight children with unique characteristics, with hopes to promote embracing and celebrating our many differences. 

In My First Female President, Joy has a beautiful birthmark surrounding her right eye. Café-au-Lait (CAL) spot, is a type of light to dark brown pigmented birthmark characterized by flat patches on the skin.

My First

Loose Tooth

From the day they are born, little ones start facing milestone moments, as they grow and experience the world. With poetic lyricism this children's book explores a little girl's discovery of her first loose tooth.


My First Loose Tooth is a beautiful story of courage, support, and affirmation.


Every book in the All My Firsts series will feature a child that has a truly unique characteristic. This book is no different. In My First Loose Tooth, Taylor has two different colored eyes. A condition known as Complete Heterochromia. My hope is to get conversations started at home or school, familiarizing children with the many differences people have, and prevent judgement, teasing, or bullying as a result of discomfort or lack of knowledge. Allowing all of us to embrace one another, rather than exclude or be excluded.

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